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Thursday, December 19, 2024
Home Bowls Page 3


Spalding’s small club success

Featured player Glen Trengove has played Saturday Pennant for Spalding for 44 years and is in excess of 700 games and around 500 as...

Black to don green and gold

Caltowie local Nathan Black, 19, will travel to New Zealand next month to represent Australia in the prestigious Burnside Pairs bowls tournament. Black is one...

A touch of summer hits

With an interesting spring season just concluded, summer started with a vengeance as very warm conditions greeted bowlers on the weekend. Some key results were...

Harvest slashes the Mid North player list

Most clubs are being hard pressed to field teams as players get the harvest in. Spalding Memorial Bowling Club had to forfeit its Kellock Shield...

Close matches galore

For a change, weather had little effect upon matches played last weekend. The round of matches was one of the tightest for many weeks with...

Mintaro Bowling Club news and views

After one of the wettest lead ups to the season in memory, the Mintaro Bowling Club has begun the season with mixed results. The greens...

All matches resulted despite stormy weather

Varying weather conditions were experienced across the six host venues last Saturday with the most severe conditions experienced at Riverton. Several rain showers and a...

Mid North Night Owls

The weather gods are certainly sending us testing conditions this year. Only three weeks into the season, the first two having cancellations due to rain...

Around the club at Robertstown

The Mid North Saturday Pennants Association offers sincere condolences to Wayne Jericho on the loss of his father Murray. Good things are happening at the...

Broughton wins Region Eight bowls

On Tuesday, November 8, the annual Region Eight Inter-Section Association match was held at Clare between Broughton, Wooroora, Mid North and Barossa and Light...

Crystal Brook captures Christmas magic

The Crystal Brook and surrounding communities enjoyed the Christmas Street Party, held on Friday night and organised by the Crystal Brook Community Association. There was...