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Tuesday, April 1, 2025
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pool party: WRC votes to invest in local swimming facilities

AT a special meeting of Wakefield Regional Council last Wednesday night, councillors voted in favour of spending more than $445,000 to ensure Owen and...

NAIDOC celebrations come to Clare

Clare Showgounds will come alive with music, art, dance, cooking and cultural ceremonies on Saturday, November 21, as Clare hosts a NAIDOC event to...

NAIDOC celebrations come to Clare

Clare Showgounds will come alive with music, art, dance, cooking and cultural ceremonies on Saturday, November 21, as Clare hosts a NAIDOC event to...

Funding for grassroot landscape management

A total of 30 community groups, sporting clubs and non-profit organisations are the successful recipients of $172,673 in grant funding from the Northern and...

Heritage snaps

South Australians are being encouraged to take part in a ‘Heritage Snaps’ photographic competition designed to showcase this state’s Heritage-Listed places or areas. This competition...

End of the line for Tucker Time

DEMOLITION works have begun on what is believed to be Port Wakefield’s first service station, with the Tucker Time building making way for the...

Sophie scoops VET win

Magic multi-tasking and a passion for early education has earnt Horizon High School student Sophie Altus top honours and prize money at this year’s...

Easing the burden at Christmas

FOR many, Christmas time can be a time of pure excitement and joy, but for others it can be a time of stress and...

Relay for Life shines light on fight against cancer

As the 2019 Mid North Relay for Life kicked off at Clare oval on Saturday afternoon, participants remembered and celebrated loved ones lost and...

Buses cancelled or schools shut on November scorcher

SOME schools and businesses across the Mid North will be closed today (Wednesday) on the back of a catastrophic Fire Danger Rating, with temperatures...

Mid North given glimpse of premiership prize

Aspiring footballers of the future in the Mid North were given a glimpse into what they could one day be playing for, and embrace...