Movie with your mates
Two events planned for Peterborough and Yunta this weekend will give their local communities an opportunity to leave their troubles behind, come together with...
Pool’s out for summer
AN earthquake in May is believed to be the cause of significant damage to the Balaklava Swimming Pool, which looks likely to rule out...
Entrusting Clare Valley to the world
A Clare Valley-born idea to protect the security of Australian-grown and made produce has come to fruition, with the country’s first ‘end-to-end’ immutable primary...
Kids cooking competition coup
In some parts of the country it’s a cliché. In rural and regional communities it’s a rallying cry.
The show must go on.
Faced with the...
Beryl’s love of volunteering
CLARE Meals on Wheels (MOW) has celebrated 50 years of meal deliveries to local residents with an award presentation and afternoon tea held at...
Producing fine wool and wine
It used to be said Australia rode on the sheep’s back - a phrase that alluded to wool as the source of our nation’s...
Alissa’s our Face of the Cup
Although crowd numbers may be capped at 2000 people for this year’s Balaklava Cup, the coveted event will still have its traditional Face of...
RIDING HIGH: Chairway to Mount Remarkable
HOT on the heels of the announcement of a mountain bike loop as part of a $10 million Remarkable Southern Flinders Ranges project, a...
Taking businesses to the region
Wednesday marked the release of the Plains Producer’s inaugural annual Regional Business Directory, a 72-page publication listing most businesses across our large circulation area.
Protecting Country Press
Recent threats and disingenuous claims by global tech giants Google and Facebook, provide a stark and compelling reminder of why Government intervention is necessary...